Saturday, January 23, 2010

LocateMe! Windows Mobile GPS Program...

So, I have found a new (to me) bit of Windows Mobile software for my Samsung Omnia i910... It is called "LocateMe" and it is a great and very simple piece of software. What I like most is the capability it brings to my Omnia.

The concept is simple. You are out and about, and for whatever reason you want to txt or email your exact location to someone. Out on a hike. Heading home... As long as you have a data connection you are able to do this. You are able to send a simple text to whomever you want with your exact GPS location on it. Additionally, it includes a link in Google Maps so that they are able to find you.

All of this may sound either simplistic or silly. But wait let me tell you why I love this software so much. I have no idea why or how, but I can now get a GPS signal inside my house or office. Yep. That's right. I also seem to connect to the satellites much quicker. So, I will use it to connect and then go to Google Maps or whatever to use other GPS features on my Omnia. This has really made using the GPS on my phone fun again.

So what does this software cost? Well it will set you back a whopping $2.99. That's right. $2.99! To good to pass up! Enjoy!!!