So I have begun to read The 4-Hour Body by Timothy Ferriss. So far it has been a very entertaining read, if nothing else. But, it has me thinking about a lot of stuff. My exercise routine and taking care of myself in general... So the point is, I really haven't been doing this. At all!
So, here is the plan. I'm going to start small with a 20 lbs decomposition. Ultimately I need to loose around 20 lbs of body fat and pack on that much in muscle (but that's long term)...
Next, I am going to start running again. Short term goal is running the Navy PRT. Long term is a marathon. I have always wanted to run a marathon, but never tried to put in the time and effort. Maybe I'll shoot for an Iron Man!
Im going to start eating right. I know that Erin and I aren't eating as healthfully as we should. I haven't gotten to the Slow-Carb diet, but I'll read it soon and start implementing what makes sense.
Next is nothing small. I'm going to live to be 100. At least I'm going to live like I am. With the other goals written before, this will hopefully put me well on my way...
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